— jdemeta

Tag "podcast"

I was recently interviewed on the vers la Lune podcast.

Listen below:

This episode features Meta Nomad, easily one of the most prolific writers in the accelerationist space. Don’t let his modesty fool you, he’s brilliant and someone whose writings you’re going to want to dive into after listening to this conversation. We covered the pandemic that is coronavirus, we spoke about the practice of “exiting” modernity; as well as. tackled conversations about Christianity and the occult and how non-materialist viewpoints allow for you to peak out from the shroud of liberalism. Enjoy!

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I was recently on the POPwCORN podcast talking about accelerationism, the occult, some of his upcoming works and more.


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I was recently on The Liminalist with Jasun Horsley (who I’ve also interviewed on Hermitix), listen here: The Liminalist with Meta-Nomad: The Mystic Joiner

“For the fifth anniversary of The Liminalist, a conversation with Meta-Nomad of Hermitix podcast, on mystery podcasting and when love and kindness makes a comeback!

Part One: The Quest for Reenchantment (0 – 28 mins)

Differing approaches to podcasting, getting straight to the punch, attention economy, the philosophy of the strange hermit, the methodology of The Liminalist, seeking real-time connections, talking about liminality, seeking reenchantment, Ernst Junger, problem of popularity, the mystery of podcasting, an interest in ideas, the inception of escapism, real vs. false escape, leaving people be, those who have embarked on the path.

Part Two: Escape from Narcissism (28 mins – 59 mins)

Escape from narcissism, the mystic joiner, the human security system, living among the sleepwalkers, articulation & obscurantism, micro-thoughts of narcissism, niche-theory occultism spheres, the emo-ethos, living in the present, mindfulness vs narcissism, occultism 101, the problem of anti-occultism, left and right hand paths, souls getting past minds, when love & kindness makes a comeback, the Boomer-removal from love, Joker movie, where love is.

Part Three: The Philosophy of Giving (59 mins – end)

Unconscious hostility, a loveless culture, the enemy of love & kindness, cessation of consumption, identity as consumer, endless add-ons, the philosophy of giving, the neutral position, the inability to sit still, passivity & passion, enjoyment of being, distrust of rituals, a spectrum of occultism, back to Christianity, making the unconscious conscious, hyperstition, love, acceptance, and control, morality & the disgust reflex, virtue signaling.”

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I was recently on the Fox Den podcast with Jeremy Fox, listen below:

“Imagine a traveler, exiting the bustling and claustrophobic mire of a cityscape, journeying into nature, accompanied by a telepathic fox companion. The two communicate earnestly about the exponential acceleration of mindless consumption and the very commodification of identity. This is as close a description as suffices, for this eventful podcast between Meta-Nomad, host of the philosophy podcast Hermitix, and yours truly. We first address his poignant essay “Exiting Modernity,” a rallying cry for a life of reflection: https://www.meta-nomad.net/exiting-modernity/ Eavesdrop on our conversation about the decline of mindful connection, and what it means to be a Neo-Ascetic. Allow the Nomad’s wisdom to remind you that mindfulness is an ongoing choice. In a world of mindless distractions, personal serenity becomes the most radical form of rebellion. ” (Blurb)

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Hermitix is a completely new podcast focusing on one-on-one interviews relating to fringe philosophy, obscure theory, esotericism, underappreciated thinkers and movements, and that which historically finds itself ‘outside’ the academic canon.

The aim of the podcast is to allow autodidactic thinkers, amateur philosophers and the generally curious an insight into the work of thinkers and movements who/which are often impenetrable to those outside of the academy. With the discussions at Hermitix aiming to be informal idea barrages which attempt to retain the excitement of fringe theory without falling into the structural ‘niche’ pitfalls of the academy.

The episodes will be between 1-2 hours and will be made available via multiple hosting sites. It will be hosted by me, Meta-Nomad.

Hermitix is currently in the process of recording its very first episodes and as such has little to no physical or virtual existence as of this moment. This is largely due to the fact various podcasting
catalogs have content requirements with regards to popularity, that is, beginning a new podcast with only one episode is bad form. And so, Hermitix wishes not to exist until it can safely to hit the ground running with a handful of episodes ready. Which will be in the next 2 weeks.

The range of speakers Hermitix intends to interview includes, but isn’t limited to: PHd students, authors, philosophers, theorists and prominent bloggers.

At the time of its launch Hermitix’s hub will be at: www.hermitix.net

Updates and latest episodes will be posted here also.

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