— jdemeta





A Micro-Zeitgeist Post of 22nd May, 2017 – (I do not agree, nor disagree with any/all of these opinions, these were merely those which struck me as important from that dreadful day.)



Link to first Tweet in thread above, whole thread in text below –

“Need to get some stuff off my chest about this attack, so bear with me.

This one feels…..different. I don’t know why or if it should but it does. Once again, innocent people are horribly maimed and murdered. Once gain, the central theme of this attack: Islamic Hatred.
Once again, a suspect “known” to police but able to freely walk the streets is able to carry out horrifying, brutal slaughter of innocent people. This time, many of them children. Many of them female children. And western feminists will either remain silent, or blame men/patriachy while ignoring the part about Islam. How long will the west fail its people, but especially its women? The Rotherham rape gangs, grooming young native British girls to be used as sex slaves. These muslims were taught that this was acceptable because western women are to be used this way. That they deserve it. That this is all they are good for. But the most heinous part is how, for some reason I can’t begin to comprehend, the govt allowed it. It failed in its primary duty to protect its citizens. It turned the other cheek and ignored every report, every desperate plea, every warning sign…all for the sake of some nebulous concept of diversity, and multiculturalism. Of tolerance, but as one-way street. They allowed uneducated, unskilled third world hordes in to their countries and never even once thought to make these invaders assimilate to their host culture. They took root, festered, and spread like a disease. Like a cancer, infecting and killing the host culture around it. And if anyone dared raise an objection, they brow-beaten, ostracized, and smacked down as “biots”, “racists”, “Islamophobes”. As if fear of Islam could somehow be irrational. Given what the west has been through. What they have experienced. What they have seen with their own eyes…their citizenry is expected to just accept this as part of daily life in the modern world, while the elites live in gated communities with private security. Not only are they expecting to live with it, they’re subtly made to feel guilty for even questioning it. Made to feel as if, to atone for the sins of their fathers of generation upon generation before them, that they DESERVE this.

And I am fucking sick of it. I’m done. I had a very hard tim sleeping last night. Worse than any of these other attacks that have recently led up to this. Maybe it’s the straw that broke the camels back, maybe its the target this time, maybe its everything, but its time to draw a line in the sand. It’s time to say “This is as far as you go. And the repercussions for your misdeeds are going to be beyond anything you could’ve imagined”. Not all muslims are terrorists. We know this. But if we’re being brutally honest, the entire islamic world is not doing enough to addres this within their own ranks. The “moderates” are simply not pulling their weight if they want to be a part of the modern world. So the “peaceful” uslims need to either get with the program, or go back to where their people come from. Because the honest truth is Islam, in its current form, is incompatible with Western Civilization. It, by and large, brings nothing of value to the table. It simply is not worth the risk to western society to allow them to coexist if they will not stand up to the radicals in their ranks. And the grovelling, simpering leftists will try to say “but…the crusades” or “but…bigotry causes this.” Unacceptable and incorrect. And to be honest, the western leftist enablers…the collaborators…who have alloed this to happen time and time and time again all while never holding Muslims to account and blaming western civilization for being the reason this happens. I absolutely, 100% mean this when I say it – you are traitors of the worst kind that history has ever seen. Your treason will not be forgotten, and at whatever the result of this is, you WILL be held accountable for it.

Until then, where do we start? It’s actually very simple:

No more unskilled, uneducated immigrants allowed entry. You have to prove your worth to be granted entrance to the west. Especially single, military aged (15-40 years old) men. Deny all entrance to that specific demographic unless they can prove they would be an invaluable contribution to society. Next, Muslims no longer receive special protection and get treated like everyone else. Held to the same standards. This means in the UK, radical islamic preaching is hate speech and you jail people for it just as easily as you would jail the 60 year old Briton for a “mean” tweet. “Islamophobia” is no longer a thing. Not an excuse to shield their bigotry. Islam will adapt to western rules, western ideals, or it will be sent back to muslim lands. One of the most effective measures that the entire continent of Europe could take would be to deny welfare/social benefits to all non-citizens. This would quickly stem the tide of econmoic migrants that bring nothing of value to European countries and leech off taxpaying Europeans. Next, all war refugees are only granted temporary asylum and will have to move back eventually if they can’t prove they would be an invaluable contribution to the western world. No more tolerance of the regressive triats of Islam. female genital mutilation, Sharia, full-veiled niqab/hijab, etc – all must be publicly denounced upon entry and violation of any will result in immediate deportation without appeal. If Islam wants to cohabitate with the west, it will bend the knee to Western Culture, or it will not be admitted. Any leftists who fight against this should be exiled as well. Our very culture is at stake here. We are under attack. we are at war. It’s time to take the gloves off and fight back /end.” – Wrongthink Warlord

” Here’s why I think the term “Islamophobia is justified – Many people who hate/fear Muslims can’t decide if it’s because they’re terrorists, rapists, freedom-haters, or pedophiles. The hysteria and catastrophizing, plus the shifting justifications (fear of terrorism vs. fear of pedophilia), suggest irrational fear. The fact that the horror and outrage is global (it’s directed as “Muslims” or “Islam”) while the details shift (terrorism vs. rape) reminds me of the visceral negative reactions people have to taboos like incest and cannibalism. We just hate and fear these things and are willing to shift justfication for those feelings the instant one is removed. None of this has any bearing whatsoever on whether Islam’s doctrines are ethical or sound. If the term “Islamophobia” is genuinely used to silence critixism of Islam (I’m a little skeptical but I’m sure it sometimes happens) then I agree that’s bad. But it’s clear to me that much of the prejudice against Muslims and Islam is more like an animal instinct that a rational critique. When you’re going on about “hordes”, “swarms” of rapist pedophile terrorist arsonist abusers, I get the impression that your objections are not based on a close reading of the Quran but something more primitive and raw. A phobia.” – ContraPoints



“friend talking about ISIS beheadin univ profs in Philippines: “will this become civil war there?”

me: “this is World War III”

WWIII began on 9/11/2001

It will probably take another 30-70 years to end.

The three conbatants are: US, PRC, Islam.

I expect at LEAST two of those combatants to be destroyed or fundamnetally restructured by the war.

So far the roles match up w WWII

Islam – Nazi Germany

US – Soviet Union


PRC is wisely sitting out the war. Let their two enemies soften each other us.

Just as US has an ocean to keep it safe from Hitler.

PRC has an iron fist in an also-iron glove, which can (mostly) keep it safe from domestic Islam.

US is fighting like Stalin – blinded by ideology we fight like idiots.

Him: purge officers!

Us: don’t bomb fuel tricks bc environment!

Like the Soviets, we are suffering massive (avoidable) losses becuase of out stupidity.

Stalin lost territory and lives.

So do we.

Europe is playing the role of France.

It’s rolling over, whimpering “don’t hurt me”, and giving up its J̶e̶w̶s̶ young girls.

I expect that WWIII will end like WWII did:

USA (now PRC): winning, controlling world.

USSR (now USA): #2 winner, totalitarian, terrible.

Islam: bombed into rubble, occupied, turned into PRC vassal state.

Result will be not dissimilar to the map from the Draka series.

US will control Western Hemisphere. PRC gets Africa, ME, Asia.” – ClarkHat

There’s only on way Britain should respond to attacks such as Manchester. That is by carrying on exactly as before. – The Independent

Islamic State: “Approximately 100 Crusaders Killed and Wounded by Explosive Devices Detonated in Manchester” – Jihadwatch

Britain 27 Sha’ban 1438

With Allah’s grace and support, a soldier of the Khilafah managed to place explosive devices in the midst of the gatherings of the Crusaders in the British city of Manchester, in revenge for Allah’s religion, in an endeavor to terrorize the mushrikin [those who worship others besides Allah], and in response to their transgressions against the lands of the Muslims. The explosive devices were detonated in the shameless concert arena, resulting in 30 Crusaders being killed and 70 others being wounded. And what comes next will be more severe on the worshipers of the Cross and their allies, by Allah’s permission. And all praiseis [sic] due to Allah, Lord of the creation.

“Crusaders.” Most of the people at that Ariana Grande concert probably had no idea what a Crusader was. Those who did were sure that they were racist bigots who carried out acts of imperialist aggression against peaceful Muslims. “Crusaders.” This is not a war between jihadis and Crusaders. This is a war between jihadis and ignorant, complacent sitting ducks who have been willfully and criminally misled by the political and media elites

Reddit’s ‘live feed’ of links as the vent went down – here.

Muslim community worker warned officers about Manchester bomber five years ago – The Metro


I’m going to leave it there, I’m trying to remain unbias here, though I imagine it may come across as leaning towards one side, though I believe much of what I’ve linked can be viewed from either perspective. As for how I personally feel, well, simply exhausted and depersonalized. Whether or not one feels either the ‘left’ or ‘right’ answers to the problem will work, the fact remains that some innocent people were killed, as an act of terrorism…in the year 2017, and day in day out, even though not physically, these attacks seem and feel to get closer to closer to something which I hold dear, and that, I cannot entirely describe. The end of something and the beginning of a sludge. It feels as if innovation has no home anymore, the means to gain are only to steal and destroy, deconstruction holds itself very dear to everything, all begins to depersonalize as enjoyment and youth itself is attacked, one often feels guilty for smirking. I’m getting sickly-sentimental, but, it truly is a matter of fatigue, one could head to any reliable news source on any given day and find an ‘attack’ from sombody towards an-Other, people killing others as they know it’s right. Progression itself has become a toxic force for its direct opposite.

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