— jdemeta

New Book: Only Ever Freedom – Out Now

Hey everyone,

My latest book Only Ever Freedom is now available for purchase:

US: https://amazon.com/dp/B0BBCZ2PQV

UK: https://amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BBCZ2PQV

DE: https://amazon.de/dp/B0BBCZ2PQV

FR: https://amazon.fr/dp/B0BBCZ2PQV

ES: https://amazon.es/dp/B0BBCZ2PQV

NL: https://amazon.nl/dp/B0BBCZ2PQV

PL: https://amazon.pl/dp/B0BBCZ2PQV

SE: https://amazon.se/dp/B0BBCZ2PQV

JP: https://amazon.co.jp/dp/B0BBCZ2PQV

CA: https://amazon.ca/dp/B0BBCZ2PQV

Only Ever Freedom is a covert manual for internally exiting the modern world.

Instead of focusing on the various common ‘escape routes’ such as homesteading, van dwelling, and simple living, Only Ever Freedom seeks to help the reader deconstruct the abundance of presumptions that make up their normal, modern world.

Beginning  from a foundation of individual freedom, the text swiftly moves through  schooling, privacy, credentialism, careerism, modern ambition culture,  identity, politics, money, and even the very concept of normality, as a  means to deprogram the very notion of modern man.

Instead of telling the reader what they should do, or what their exit should look like, Only Ever Freedom seeks only to supply the reader with what they need to make that choice for themselves.

The eBook version (soon to be released) will be free for Patrons of 5$+



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